domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

Everybody was Kung Fu Fightiiiiiiing...

Having my wounds healed, I decided to take it up a notch and double-turn my lessons to twice a day for 6 days a week. The teacher told me three things.

1) I was mad as a hatter.
2) I'd be dead by the end of the month.
3) If I wasn't dead by the end of the month, I would've leveled up faster than Speedy Gonzales on Red Bull.

Well, it's been a week since I started going twice a day and I already got new wounds. You know, the purple, nasty-looking ones. But then again, they don't hurt anymore after a day. Cuz I'm the goddamned Batman.

This week was GREAT on me, first I got great news about my college, then I got a very special message, followed by me totally OWNING my pals at DOTA on saturday ( Which is rare, since I prettymuch suck badly at that game ). And last but not least, I watched two game trailers that made me fangasm with the force of a thousand suns.

Megaman Online.


For years, my megaman-loving ass has been ACHING for a new appearance of X, or a crossover between Classic/X series. And I got two trailers that show an appearently time-rip that allows robot masters and mavericks unite and storm the whole world, bringing Megaman, Protoman, Bass, X, Axl, Zero and Co to an alliance against the biggest god damn threat the Megaman universe has ever faced.

Did I mention I came? Because I did.

And no shitty gameplay-based trailers, no sir. Epic electronic bgm, beatiful OVA-like intros with a VERY nice artstyle that perfectly combines the styles of both the X and Zero series, thus FINALLY shutting up the saps claiming that Zero looked too girly in MMZ ( Its a blond guy with a ponytail and an armor with green boob-like gems. Whoop de fucking doo ).

Ahhhh this week has been great. I'm too beat to keep writing and I just hope that God, AKA The Man Upstairs, The Big Cheese, has some nice surprises in store for me. Because as of now, I'm thankful. So friggin thankful.

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